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Holographic Reflections & Coaching Notes 

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  • January 20, 2023 5:03 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    The water element quality of 'Clear Thought' was one quality I had previously taken for granted and paid this aspect little attention. However it's  importance was highlighted for me as I recovered from my recent knee surgery. I had planned to fill my recovery days with reading and writing more aspects to my Integral Life Repatterning. I was really looking forward to that. So it was disheartening to greet each day with the feeling of brain fog. I was unable to focus, or get to the bottom of an issue and tired easily. Not coincidently, the pinnacle of my healing issues came as the winter solstice arrived (the season of water element and this quality).

    After a few self-sessions and recognizing that this non-coherence is also related to the season I found a strategy to help reclaim my brain. I switched from goals for reading and writing to  sewing Christmas presents and finishing craft projects. Most of you know this is a source of joy for me anyway, but at this time it also sparked a new sense of motivation. The various projects and activity forced me to take things slowly and step by step, read the instructions and execute them. Completion of a project provided that endorphin rush that screams "YES! Lets do this again tomorrow!" I completed a number a projects with this strategy and now find myself completely out of that brain fog state.   Priorities have come into clear focus for me and I find myself thinking about things in deep reflective way - again the nature of this water element quality of CLEAR THOUGHT.

    What qualities of Clear Thought do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I am easily confused.
    • I can't read or follow instructions.
    • I am unable to get clear about the real issue/need.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I think with clarity, depth and refection.
    • I easily read and follow instructions.
    • I ask for clarity when i am confused.

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

  • January 13, 2023 3:44 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    In an age of credit card madness we can easily find ourselves over-extended with few reserves. Energetically we can do much the same with our health and vitality if we constantly over work and not take time to rest and recharge appropriately. Has that happened to you?

    I know post surgery, I recently encountered the dilemna of wanting to do so many things. My head was filled with ideas and plans - holiday celebrations, visits with friends, craft projects, baking, my blog, an inspirational newsletter or two... yet low energy reserves held me back. I had to reluctantly conclude that I could not do it all and prioritize what was possible. Energectically that was me paying attention to my energy and managing my water element. While my recovery took longer than expected I now see the value of taking the time to replenish those energy reserves. I feel much better and excited about the year to come and look forward to getting back to my work with all of you!

    Wether it is money or our health and vitality, low reserves weakens our Water Element energy and worsens our health.

    When we consciously maintain our reserves, our water element supports us with a confidence, security and the vitality to work on our dreams, goals and plans.

    What qualities of Reserves do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I am unable to maintain a consistent level of money or energy
    • I use up my reserves and feel exhausted or get sick
    • I don't stop and take the time to recharge.
    • My credit cards are constantly maxed out.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I replenish myself
    • I maintain good reserves of _________(energy, strength, health, power money )
    • I always have a reserve to draw on as needed
    • I naturally take the time I need to recharge on a daily basis.
    • I pay my credit cards and other bills on time each month.

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

  • January 06, 2023 5:53 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    IThe Season of Water Element supports the quality of having courage a quality that often takes us out of ourselves, transcends our fear and puts us into taking right action no matter how scary. Its not uncalculated. We don't act wrecklessly but we also don't hang back or procrastinate for saying or doing what is called for in any situation.

    I remember an entire year of having to summon up this quality of courage in one of my first career jobs running a small daycare center. There were many care issues to discuss with parents - who were much older and experienced at child care than me!

    The center participants were of every nationality and come the Christmas holiday season, the parent committee decided to host a pot luck with each family bringing a favorite dish of the their culture. Mexican, Spanish, Jamaican, Italian dishes soon filled the potluck board.

    However, one family of 3 children held back. Their parents were Asian and spoke little English. Their authoritarion father in a curt and strict voice informed me they would not be attending. The children were very disappointed and I hardly knew what to say to them. Their Dad was difficult to approach. However, a few days before the event I summoned all the courage I had and quietly asked him if we could talk. I asked him to reconsider and explained how much it would mean to the children. My heart was in my stomach for sure... anticipating an angry response. To my astonishment he replied with a softened answer. "I will discuss it with my wife and let you know"

    The next day he returned with an explanation and an answer. Their food he explained is spicy and strange to most people in north america. They won't like it and our children will be embarressed. BUT if you would come to our home for dinner before the event we will prepare several dishes - perhaps you could help us choose. I happily obliged and so glad I did. Their dish of mildly curried vegetables was very well accepted, the children were beaming with pride and after that...these parents became friendly and engaging with the other parents.

    I often reflect on that moment of courage where I asked a  second time and how the outcome may have changed things in a positive way for the entire family.

    What qualities of Reflection do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • My fear stops me from going forward.
    • I am afraid.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I have the courage to face_____
      (name a person or situation relevant to you) 
    • I am fearless.
    • I face my fears and move into action.

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    With love and light

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach

  • December 13, 2022 11:41 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with the best of nature and your inner connection

    The art of inner reflection (in my opinion) is one of the most powerful ways to accelerate our adult growth of awareness and spiritual development - if we allow time for it or make it a habit. A down side of the abundant information age is that we tend to live life with our finger on the fast forward button, cramming in as much as we can each minute of the day. We go from one thing to the next in our day without taking a pause and reflecting on what happened.

    Inner reflection helps us to tap into the Brow Chakra quality of witnessing our life, making compassionate judgements of our actions, evalutate what went well and to notice the small miracles and synchronicities that happen for us each day. It is the noticing and appreciating or letting go that helps us clear our energy field of our regret and confirm our positive changes. Our wise self book marks these observations and calls on it for wisdom to whisper to you the next time you need it. Incrementally over time our reflections help us to grow our conscious awareness and live our potential. We tend to then be happier people with more option to access in how we move forward in our lives.

    What qualities of Reflection do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?).

    What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I don't feel heard.
    • I don't listen to others.
    • I am unable to think deeply about what is really being said/done.
    • I am unable to respond to life and circumstances.
    • My options feel limited.

    Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I get it!
    • I respond appropriately to circumstances.
    • I listen deeply and reflect on what I have heard.
    • I take a pause to reflect on my day so far and acknowlege myself.
    • I feel heard.
    • I reflect on the deeper meanings I perceive from my experiences.

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    With love and light 

    Carolyn Winter

    Holographic Coach 

  • December 13, 2022 11:18 AM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    Reprinted from December 30th 2015 

    Last December, after the festive season of 2014 I made an intention and repatterned it for the holiday season of 2015. I wanted the season to be merry and bright and not so rushed that I would be too exhausted (and then susceptible to colds) to enjoy it. I intended that things fall into place effortlessly. I had quite forgotten about this delightful repatterning until some quiet time taken during this holiday season. WOW… the repatterning really worked 12 months after the fact. Here are some of the things i have noticed I am sure can be attributed to the repatterning:

    • I did not actually get decorations up around my home and while i felt a little disappointed about that since it is one of my favorite things to do, at this time of year, the extra time allowed me to sleep in when needed, or accomplish other things.
    • our extended family gathering on the 24th means all must be done (food cooked or prepped, presents wrapped, sleigh loaded) by the early morning at the latest if i am to arrive in the zone of ‘on time’. Normally there is no time to do all of that AND leave my apartment in some resemblance of order. This year the sleigh was ready the night before and I had time to tidy up!
    • the crush between preparing and then leaving usually means I do laundry at the other end as well as wrap presents. This year I wrapped things up by 2:00pm on December 23rd presents and all. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon at a salon getting my nails done. I managed to weird out the beautician by zonking out with meditation!
    • instead of meeting an unrealistic goal of handmade gifts for all, I comfortably engaged in online shopping instead. I actually enjoyed the experience and it was a huge time saver.
    • Somethings required a trip to the mall, which I normally do not enjoy at any time of the year. However, this year it was like the waters were parting for my arrival. I found what i needed in record time, no line ups or crowds, and surprising prices.

    This experience has left me with the reminder about the value of integrating a session. When we take time to reflect we anchor our new neural pathway, that new direction our brain is firing and make it our new ‘normal’. On New Year’s Eve I plan to build on this new base and make intentions for next year. I can hardly wait to see what manifests next!

    I wonder if I intended hand made gifts now…..

    With love and light


    Holographic Coach

  • November 02, 2022 1:13 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    The Energy Season of Metal Element
    - Quality #1 Clear Intellect

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    Do you have this on your computer? With my latest installment of Microsoft Office suite came a daily pop up window with links to news, weather sports and life articles etc. I initially found it interesting, but eventually started to tune out the 'BuzzFeed' links and other things that are mere propaganda. But recently, one article caught my eye and I found it so wrong I finally deleted - the whole app.

    The article had pictured Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a smiling relaxed pose on a local TV talk show. The caption read "Trudeau does this everyday to make money and shows audience how they too can use this technique." The banner had recognizable logos... "As seen on Forbes, Global TV, Globe and Mail, etc." it looked like proof that the article was real even though intellectually I knew Trudeau would never have that kind of pep talk for the audience.

    It took me a few minutes to finally discern that the article was pure fake news. I immediately informed the vendors on how their logos were being misrepresented. In a few hours the article was removed.

    Energetically this is an example of the metal element quality of Clear Intellect - the faculty of reasoning and objective understanding. This is a profound quality to resonate with and we have to do what we can to protect this quality in us. It is a quality we use everyday but none as important for example as being a good citizen, researching candidates and our duty to be an informed voter and vote.

    The current election cycle gives us the opportunity to use our clear intellect to make the best decisions for ourselves and what we feel is best for our country. Unfortunately there are strategists out there that try to get us to doubt ourselves and the facts. Advertisements and social media messages are generated to get us to ignore facts, believe out-right lies and vote a certain way out of fear. Informed reasoning is thrown out the window!

    We are then vulnerable to the bombardment of current of political messages that villainize people, and tugs at our basic instinct to look for things to be afraid of.. when none exist. Our quality of clear intellect dissolves. Our energy spirals down. And we can feel anxious, afraid and unhappy.

    When we resonate with having and using our natural quality of clear intellect, we easily probe to find what is true or not true, what is fact or fiction. This quality shows up in our thinking that will confidently question everything. In my own example I was curious enough to question the article and its source and to contact the logo owners. By the end of the day I confidently deleted that pop up news feature from my computer and sent feedback to Microsoft. It felt uplifting!

    Our questioning can lead to judgments but a resonance with clear intellect will make that judgment compassionate and understanding. We'll also get a sense of whether we can trust the information or not.

    What qualities of Clear Intellect do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?). What is your felt sense of the items below. (or muscle check if you are a recent student of my course)

    Non Coherent Qualities involved:

    • I am overly intellectual
    • I am drawn into news stories that have no proof
    • I refuse to see the facts of a situation that don't support my point of view.
    • i use my knowledge and intellect in a cold and judgmental way

    Coherent Qualities involved: 

    • My thinking is inspired.
    • I review the facts to discern what is and is not true
    • I use my intellect and reasoning power to discern the truth.
    • I confidently ask questions to reason things out.
    • I have an incisive intellect.

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of CLEAR INTELLECT to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!...

    With light and love 

    Carolyn Winter 

    Holographic Coach

  • November 22, 2021 3:20 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #9 - Appreciation 

    Are you tapping into the metal element energy of the fall season? Appreciation and acknowledgment are qualities activated at this time of year. It’s no coincidence that celebrations of Thanks Giving (both American and Canadian) are scheduled in this time period. Appreciation is a basic life need. If our needs for being validated and appreciated were not met at a young impressionable age, we can spend a lifetime trying to untangle from the pain of it. We become perfectionists, procrastinators or out of balance entertainers seeking attention where ever we can get it-positive or negative.

    Chances are if no one modelled appreciation for you when you were young, you did not learn to do it for yourself and so the pattern persists . Your accomplishments may be long, but you are still driven to do more for the validation, appreciation or acknowledgement that you need. So how do we recover from the remnants of this early life pattern?

    Appreciation both for yourself and giving it to others is a very powerful healing tool. When we feel appreciation our field of energy expands and we are motivated to do more for ourselves and others. You don’t need to wait for others to appreciate yourself. Something I learned sometime ago from Dr Dan Baker’s book “What Happy People Know” is that it is scientifically shown that you can’t be in a state of anxiety or worry AND appreciation at the same time. The brain can hold one emotion or the other but not both in the same moment.

    Appreciation Rx - If you find yourself unreasonably anxious you could try his recommended exercise of naming what you appreciate about yourself and /or name your accomplishments however small. Actively writing out a list of appreciations for at least a minute will get you some temporary relief. Write for 10 minutes and you will kick start a new more positive brain wave that gets you out of the anxiety loop. Keep it up for an hour and you could be rewiring yourself for a better state of mind.

    This week our Americans friends  are celebrating Thanksgiving and my love, blessings and appreciation go out to all of you. Thank you for being part of the resonance repatterning community, for your referrals over the last year , for your emails of appreciation and stories of change. It is indeed a privilege to serve you.

    What qualities of APPRECIATION  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    •  I don't take in another persons appreciation of me.
    • I don't acknowledge myself. 
    • I don't appreciate the little things in life. 

    Coherent Aspects -

    •  I acknowledge what others do. 
    • I appreciate ________. (name someone relevant to you) 
    • I acknowledge myself for my accomplishments.

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of APPRECIATION AND ACCOMPLISHMENT  to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With light and love


  • November 08, 2021 1:00 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #7 - Fathering 

    As of September 22, 2021 we are now in the seasonal energy of Metal Element that aligns with autumn in the northern hemisphere. Click here if you are in the southern hemisphere.

    One of the most important repatterning topics I facilitate, especially with new clients, is the Parental Repatterning where we focus on our early relationship with one of our parents or primary caregivers and how they did or did not meet our basic life needs. These early parental patterns of non coherence have often set in motion a lifetime of limitations to help us avoid the pain or our needs not being met as we had wished. Our metal element quality focus for this week is on FATHERING.

    What is your early experience of your father and your relationship to him?

    Ideally, fathers set examples of right and wrong, teach their children values and ideals and being in right action. They can be counted on, trusted, and there to help us problem solve, to protect us and care for us. Filling a positive parenting role, fathers also teach us to set boundaries, be patient, how to discern things and be trusting, respectful and tell the truth. They help us to set goals and encourage us to reach them. As children, our fathers would take us seriously and listen to us or answer our questions.

    If our fathers were not there for us as we needed, our metal element quality as adults may become harder to balance or maintain or certain things may trigger us. It may also be more difficult for us to stay in touch with our wise self throughout the day, the part of us that knows how to stay balanced and reach for appropriate behavior and action moment to moment.

    How does your perception of your early experiences of your father relate to the obstacles or successes you experience today?

    Improve your inner fathering quality with a visualization. Close your eyes and imagine your father and yourself at a pivotal time of your life. Even though he likely never said these things... imagine hearing him say messages such as the following to you...

    • " I am proud of you."
    • "If you need my help I am here for you."
    • "I am behind you 100% whatever you do or want to be."
    • "I give you my attention."

    What qualities of FATHERING  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I don't know how to be a good father.
    • There is no father figure in my life.
    • My father does not provide me with the values that enable me to handle life successfully with integrity.

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I provide positive fathering energy
    • My father provides me with values and ideals that allow me to handle life circumstances with integrity and right action.
    • I have positive fathering role models in my life.
    • I remain connected to my wise self throughout the day and tune into the fathering wisdom it offers me.

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of FATHERING to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With love and light 


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  • November 02, 2021 2:00 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #6 - Letting Go

    As of September 22, 2021 we are now in the seasonal energy of Metal Element that aligns with autumn in the northern hemisphere. Click here if you are in the southern hemisphere.

    The fall drama of trees changing their colors ultimately with leaves fluttering to the ground is a colorful reminder of another vital quality of metal element and the fall season - LETTING GO.

    The quality of letting go reminds us that 'to everything there is a season...' and that everything has it own life cycle. We can experience many benefits when we are in synch with this quality. For example we may become good at dealing with clutter as it arrives, we let go of things we no longer need perhaps recycling them or repurposing them. We can also let go of the old outdated ways of doing things making it easier to embrace new ways. And we are comfortable accepting things like the computer notice to allow a software update because we know letting go of the old program is a good option to keep our computer running efficiently.

    This metal quality also helps us to embrace our own personal growth and integrate new patterns of well being by letting go of the old ways of being that no longer serve us. Often a major obstacle of achieving a higher energy state is that the old pattern feels familiar and comfortable and is easier to keep doing than breaking in a new more positive way of being - like an old pair of comfortable shoes. Cultivating an attitude of letting go of the old way helps us to grow in new desired ways. When we integrate the quality of letting go, we can feel lighter, more productive, and feel a sense of inner freedom.

    Challenges: When we have difficulty letting go energy tends to get stuck in our field of resonance and shows up as road blocks in other areas of our lives. For example... our purpose may feel obscured and we can't see things clearly. We feel like we don't have enough time, energy, resources or space to take on new things or feeling frustrated that we are not accomplishing our goals. We may also miss opportunities because of the back log of things and situations we have yet to release. Looking after it all...wee tend to feel drained of energy. What can we do?

    Take the time to notice what you are hanging onto in your life and what your thoughts are about each item? Let go of one thing you are ready to release - perhaps some desk top clutter. Notice how you feel with each conscious effort to let go of something. Consciously practice the quality of letting go. Chances are you will be energized.

    What qualities of LETTING GO  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I hold onto material objects I no longer need
    • I have to save everything just in case I'll need it in the future
    • I let go of what is important to me prematurely

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I let go of upsets
    • I easily let go of what I no longer need
    • I let go of non-coherent relationships when no resolution is found
    • I declutter my space daily
    • I regularly name my regrets and let them go

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of LETTING GO to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With love and light 


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  • October 26, 2021 3:10 PM | Carolyn Winter (Administrator)

    Create a better life story when you resonate with
    the best of nature and your inner connection

    The Energy Season of Metal Element

    Quality #5 - TRUTH

    Do you tell the truth? ...or regularly engage in 'white lies', withholding the truth, or consciously lie to yourself and others? Imagine if you were the children's story Pinocchio character and every time you lied, your nose grew a bit longer. How long would your nose be at the end of the day?

    The metal element quality of truth in many ways is a spiritual concept that we can cultivate and consequently use to grow our spiritual awareness or consciousness, taking us towards a path of inner peace and contentment.

    Currently the nature of truth is hotly debated in politics and social media, with the public subjected to a daily brazen use of lying or bending the truth. These lies are designed to capture your attention to grow someone else's agenda or point of view. It is not usually based on truth or facts. Obscuring the truth is their primary weapon. In a world of challenges, the lack of truth may be one of the worst for creating misery in our lives. Whether we accept lies or tell them, we weaken our own energy field with self-doubt, lack of respect or lack of integrity and then wonder why we are unhappy.

    Real truth has several qualities to look for - to begin with it is absolute - meaning it is what it is - not dependant on anything else. It also corresponds to reality or the way things are. You can recognize it when you see it and feel an inner alignment.

    However, since our realities are based on our perspectives and beliefs this can make the truth muddy, because what may be true for you is not true for me. This is another instance where our personal work helps us to better 'see' the truth of our reality. We can in fact peel away layers of patterns until we get to the truth of a matter. Do you consciously or unconsciously accept a lie if it upholds your belief? How often do you tell yourself the truth?

    When the quality of truth eludes us or is weak in our field of energy we are easily pulled in by the lies or the negative messages of others, malicious advertising or social media content. Author, Caroline Myss's quote is very apt here. "Watch where your brain goes to feed itself." Notice, if taking in negative stories and disputable facts draws your attention - your metal element may need balancing (or repatterning!).

    Truth creates coherence....When we are telling, observing and living our truth, things line up in our field of energy and we feel a strong sense of inner harmony or coherence. We intuitively tend to look for the truth of a matter and facts to back it up, independant of our perspective. We feel at one with the world and totally aligned - even if the reality of some truths hurt. We know what's what or at least feel it as an embodied felt sense. When we are aligned with the quality of truth and living it - we avoid lying to ourselves and others and we can take unhesitating action and speak our truth in the moment without editing ourselves. We also have more energy because we are not constantly monitoring ourselves for the lies we are maintaining.

    Can you find facts to support important truths in your life? Truth may take us some time to determine as we move through and heal our patterns of perceptions, values and beliefs. Energize your metal element energy by making a practice of searching for the truth and telling your own truth as much as possible.

    What qualities of TRUTH  do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)

    Non Coherent Aspects -

    • I think I am being truthful when I am not.
    • I am in denial about what is truly happening
    • I avoid telling the truth so I can be right and you are wrong.

    Coherent Aspects -

    • I name the truth in a loving way.
    • I live my truth.
    • I ask questions and look for facts that support important truths.

    How will you use the energy of the Metal Element Season and the quality of TRUTH to add to your positive life story... where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?

    I have options to help you Improve your life story now!... 

    With love and light 


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