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    • September 06, 2024
    • 11:00 AM
    • November 08, 2024
    • 1:30 PM
    • Onlind via Zoom video conferencingq

    Join the live class OR
    Learn Webinar Style beginning September 6



    Energy Tools and Maps for  Creating Positive  Personal Change for Yourself

    10 Weekly Classes To Learn Energy Techniques for Positive Change

    Fridays beginning September 6th 2024
    at 11:00am - 1:30pm Eastern

    (8:00am Pacific| 9:00am Mtn | 10:00am Central | 4:00pm UK | 8:30pm New Delhi (all seasonal changes maintain 9:00am Eastern)

    Live via Zoom Class Dates:   Sep 6, 13, 20, 
    Oct  4,11,18, 25 and Nov 1, 8  + TBA 2024


    For More Information Click Here


    Let me teach you how to repattern yourself back to a place of wholeness, inner peace and personal joy.” - Carolyn W.

    • My quest for wholeness in life began over 25 years ago when a second opinion medical doctor said “we don’t know what is causing your problem… your guess is as good as ours”
    • I explored many alternative healing options and was fascinated by the notion of repatterning our energy to create positive change. I learned a few methods that are not at all well-known but highly effective. Soon after I offered my gifts and talents as coaching sessions for others to address problems.
    • Since 1997, I have served others as a holographic coach engaging the wise self of clients to help them find the energy patterns holding them back, identifying the best energy exercise to harmonize patterns and clear them.
    • My personal passion spills over... I enjoy expressing myself creatively through quilting or crafting old things for new purposes. For me, the process typically leads to a surprising outcome. I bring this same joy of pattern discovery and creation of beauty to my sessions for clients with love and light - always! 

    Find out more about Carolyn Winter at her website ABOUT page:

    "In the course I show you how to...

    • Identify the negative energy surrounding you. Everyone has a long list problems but my method will help you deal with problem you most need to address in the present moment to make a difference.
    • Do a muscle check that identifies the energy of a problem/pattern  (like checking the oil in your car)
    • Use maps that tap into your own internal 'GPS” to determine where and what is creating the problem that is now a vibrating pattern of energy in your field and reach a new place of understanding where things can improve.
    • Use the tools that clean up your field. Once you learn how to attain a deeper understanding of the conscious and unconscious things holding the problem in your field of energy I will show you how to clear it out and resonate with what you want instead. These are timeless easy to do energy exercises and practices anyone can learn. Locate exactly which one you need for the circumstances showing up in your life today.

    The Life Repatterning Process is a practical introduction to clearing up energy patterns and energizing your life vision and other intentions that help you create a positive life story.

    It taps into your own inner wisdom, creates a customized response for your process and helps you live your life from a higher energy state.

    "Gain a new sense of control in your life! Get used to things turning around quickly."

    What is included in the course: 

    A program support web page with all the class materials recordings, course outline, repatterning downloads, and opportunities to connect with participants for practice.  This is available for 1 year after the course. 

    The Life Repatterning Manual - A writeable PDF and related materials to facilitate unlimited self sessions after the course.  Use online or print from your computer/printer. 

    Venue - Live and Interactive... We meet online via zoom video conferencing; audio recordings of the class are available afterwards.

    Course Outline:

    Class 1 | - A New Beginning... the pathway to creating life the way you want it

    Class 2 | - The Power & Magic of Resonance

    Class 3 |- Principles of Biofeedback/How to Muscle Check

    The Life Repatterning Process A-E

    Class 4 | A. The Present Moment Checks

    Class 5 | B. Mindfulness Pattern Checks

    Class 6 | C. Repatterning Inquiries - Life Vision Repatterning

    Class 7 | - Energize Repatterning /Habits of Success

    Class 8 |- New Beliefs That Create a Transformational Life Repatterning

    Class 9 |- Five Seasons Repatternings

    Class 10| E. - Integration Options

    For More Information Click Here

    "Enjoy the inner freedom, calmness, joy and happiness that you can create for yourself with this simple understanding and method. Feel the energetic difference before and after your sessions."

    • September 30, 2024
    • 3:30 PM
    • October 31, 2024
    • 4:00 PM
    • Online via zoom video conferencing

    NOTE: "The session was last September 30th but you can still register and Retro-intend.  The hologram is still anticipating your arrival!" - Carolyn

    Join our next Personal Holographic Discoveries 
    Group Session for.... 

    Patterns of Abundance Focusing on Money 
    Monday September 30th 2024 at 3:30pm Eastern

    [12:30pm Pacific | 1:30pm Mountain | 2:30pm Central | 8:30pm UK | 7:00am Auckland | 12:30pm New Delhi]

    Having money is about an exchange of energies. When balanced, it provides us with a reserve, as well as a continuous expanding flow that is natural and automatic, and we have an abundant reserve that takes care of our needs and desires and supports our financial goals.

    However, as they say - money patterns are never about the money... how money does or does not show up in our life may also mirror a complexity of underlying patterns waiting for our attention to heal.  For example, consider these questions from abundance repatterning for the patterns that may need your attention...   

    ·         What do you sacrifice to have money, power and energy?   

    ·         Do you know exactly what you earn and what you spend?  

    ·         How are you dribbling away your money or energy? 

    ·         What are your childhood memories about money?  

    ·         What do you believe positively or negatively about money? 

    ·         What is your primary money pattern issue? 

    By becoming aware of our entangled patterns, beliefs and conflicting values we can shift our patterns and create more positive financial outcomes.  

    In this repatterning we will:

    ·         Name and clear our negative beliefs about money 

    ·         Identify and resonate with our money goals 

    ·         Create a new coherent money pattern to support our life story

    This repatterning will help us to:

    ·         Become clear on our money pattern goals

    ·         Think positively about money free of guilt or shame

    ·         Take new coherent personal actions to support our money goals  

    ·        Be aware of our money pattern energies and take action as needed

    Ready to improve your abundance for money?


    Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Monday September 30th at 3:30pm Eastern

    With light and love

    Carolyn Winter, Holographic Coach

    MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

    Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

    • send in your information for the session
    • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
    • video recording access and audio mp3 download. 

    PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!!    Select the new registration option that includes PREMIUM membership for $99.00

    • April 18, 2025
    • 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
    • Online via Zoom video conferencing
    Join waitlist

    Life Repatterning Basics 2 - The Five Elements

    Fridays beginning April 18 2025 

    at 11:00am-1:30pm Eastern

    [8:00am Pacific | 9:00am Mountain | 10am Central| 4:00pm UK | 8:30pm New Delhi]

    Class Dates: April 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16, 30, June 6, 13 2025

    Pre-requisite - Life Repatterning Basics 2 or working knowledge of muscle checking/mandala led repatterning sessions. 

    Add 6 new repatternings to your library of Repatterning Inquires for deeper self sessions! 

    "In this course I show you how to understand and use the inner workings of Five Element energy to clear blocks or issues you are facing and create flow for your intentions... 

    We'll review the qualities and purpose of each of the  five  elemental energies in depth and how these energies support and control each other.  This intricate dance of energy shows up in a myriad of ways in the life challenges we face.  Simply knowing how the energies work can help us create more coherence for any situation.   We will learn to do a repatterning for each element plus a Feng Shui repatterning for your home or office space.  The repatterning inquiries include: 

    1. Wood Element Repatterning - Reaching for the Stars
    2. Fire Element Repatterning - Relationship Harmony
    3. Earth Element - Transition Success
    4. Metal Element Repatterning - Pathway to Abundance
    5. Water Element Repatterning - Using Our Innate Power and Wisdom. 
    6. Feng Shui Repatterning - 

    What is Included in the course:

    Venue - Live and Interactive... we use zoom video conferencing 

    Audio recordings for each class and selected videos

    A program support web page -  with all the class materials recordings, course outline, repatterning downloads, and opportunities to connect with participants for practice.  This is available for 1 year after the course. 


    • The Life Repatterning Basics 2 - The Five Elements Manual - A writeable PDF and related materials to facilitate unlimited self sessions after the course.  Use online or print from your computer/printer. 
    • A follow along writeable PDF work book for each class. 

    Repatterning Inquiry Descriptions: 

    Wood Element Repatterning - Reaching for the Stars - 

    Associated with the season of spring are qualities that are all about new starts, having a vision of possibilities and reaching for what is possible. This repatterning helps us to set intentions that help us 'reach for the stars' of possible success. Our endeavors are supported by wood element qualities of inspired new ideas, right timing, a sense of direction, planning, living our potential and making good decisions. The intentions we set are like seeds planted in the spring. When we resonate with those intentions of possibility our fall harvest will be abundant!

    Fire Element Repatterning - Relationship Harmony - The quality of our relationships has everything to do with our Fire Element energy for setting boundaries, regulating our relationship 'warmth', and being able to move from our self identity to a 'we' identity as we socialize with others without being 'taken over' by the energy of others. Repattern all of your relationship challenges with this repatterning and enjoy stronger more supportive relationships.

    Earth Element Repatterning - Transition Success - Transitions happen for us every day as we move from day to night, night to day, going to and from work, in or out of marriage, contracts, career choices etc. When our earth element energy is coherent, transitions happened effortless and with ease. Non coherent earth element keeps us stuck, insecure, and anxious. Use this repatterning to support any and all transitions happening for you.

    Metal Element Repatterning - Pathway to Abundance - Abundance lines - The new beginnings of spring's  wood element energy culminate in the fall season of metal element where we appreciate the abundance of all our efforts. A deeply spiritual energy, metal helps us to be appreciated, respected and valued. Coherent metal helps us to build a reserve of energy, vitality and money. It is a fathering type of energy that validates who we have become and strengthens our inner connection with the Divine or source. Metal energy helps us to let go of what no longer serves us and open the space for something new. Where do you need metal energy in your life?

    Water Element Repatterning - Using Our Innate Power and Wisdom - Water Element energy helps us to own our inner power and wisdom when facing life's challenges. It governs a variety of fears and helps us to access our natural reserves of courage to overcome our them. At birth we are blessed with a finite download of inherited life force energy that supports our vitality. Water element helps us to use that energy wisely. Use this repatterning inquiry to clear any fears and anxieties that block you.

    Feng Shui Repatterning - Feng Shui - the art of placing furniture and objects in our home for coherent energy that supports us is also based on the five element energy knowledge base. Use this repatterning inquiry to create coherence in your space using the five element and Feng Shui principles.   

    "Take the mystery out of creating change through energy.  Get to know the five elements and how they are showing up in your life so that you can create the changes you want.  Feel the energetic difference before and after your sessions."

PAST EVENTS - All past PHD events are availabe on the Archives page with your Premium membership ($99 annual subscription). Others may be availalbe at the - click on WEBINARS

August 26, 2024 PHD: Resonate with New Habits for Success
August 23, 2024 Playing with the Five Elements
August 05, 2024 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde August 5 2024
July 29, 2024 PHD: Cultivating Coherent Fire Element for Relationship Harmony
July 03, 2024 PHD: New Beliefs Repatterning
April 29, 2024 PHD: Life Repatterning Levels - Personal Power
March 25, 2024 PHD: Wood Element Repatterning - Reaching for the Stars Repatterning
December 11, 2023 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde December 13 2023
December 06, 2023 Personal Holographic Discoveries: Holiday Repatterning
November 08, 2023 PHD: Creating Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness
October 03, 2023 PHD: Life Repatterning for Abundance (focus on Money)
August 23, 2023 Life Repatterning Basics - Course for Beginners
June 01, 2023 Life Repatterning Course...for Wellness Coaches and Practitioners
March 29, 2023 PHD:Resonate with your next BIG thing! A pop up PHD group session
February 24, 2023 PHD: Energize! Repatterning Resonating with Habits of Empowerment
December 21, 2022 Resonate with the Water Element Season of Winter
October 25, 2022 PHD: Belonging Versus Becoming: Growing beyond the rules of your group
September 09, 2022 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde 2022
August 31, 2022 The Integral Life Repatterning Basics - Course
August 03, 2022 Free Event - Your questions answered Re: The Integral Life Repatterning Basics Course
July 14, 2022 PHD: Life Vision Intention Repatterning - A Leap to Personal Greatness
June 10, 2022 PHD: Resonate with Workplace Balance & Fulfillment
April 15, 2022 The Integral Life Repatterning Process - Basic Course
April 13, 2022 World Peace Hologram - Focusing on Peace in Ukraine
April 08, 2022 Free Event - Your questions answered Re: The Integral Life Repatterning Course
March 03, 2022 Next PHD: Integral You Repatterning - The Maps
February 14, 2022 Nun Karma Release Repatterning - Relationships
January 02, 2022 World Peace Hologram - Emerging From the Pandemic
December 21, 2021 The Five Seasons - Winter Solstice Repatterning
November 19, 2021 PHD: Healthy Family Patterns of Wholeness
October 21, 2021 PHD: Inner Light Repatterning
September 27, 2021 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde 2021
September 20, 2021 PHD: Patterns of Abundance focusing on Money
August 18, 2021 PHD: Career Leaps to Greatness Repatterning
July 17, 2021 PHD for Resonate with Willpower and Habits
June 17, 2021 Earth Element - Transitions Repatterning
June 17, 2021 PHD for Mastering Time
May 15, 2021 Resonate with Hope for Where Your Life is Going
April 14, 2021 Who are you now? Update Your Identity Resonance!
March 26, 2021 PHD:Health & Fitness Repatterning
March 20, 2021 Seasonal Repatterning - Spring Equinox
March 13, 2021 The Nun Karma Repatterning Series
February 12, 2021 PHD: Relationship Intentions Repatterning
January 23, 2021 PHD: Integral You Repatterning
December 31, 2020 Resonate with "The Best Holiday Season Ever!"
December 28, 2020 THE Holographic Surprise Course
December 21, 2020 Season Repatterning - Winter Solstice / Water Element
December 15, 2020 PHD: Ancestral Echoes - Resonate with Healthy Patterns of Family Belonging
November 21, 2020 PHD: Career Leaps to Greatness Repatterning
November 05, 2020 World Peace Hologram - Healing the Hurt Repatterning
October 22, 2020 PHD: Life Vision - Being and Becoming Your Life Vision
October 14, 2020 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde 2020
September 22, 2020 Seasonal Repatterning - Fall Equinox
September 12, 2020 PHD: Ancestral Echoes - Clearing Patterns Rooted in our Family/History
August 24, 2020 Nun Karma Repatterning: Focus on Abundance
August 11, 2020 PHD: Luck, Synchronicity and Flow
July 13, 2020 PHD: Resonating with Our Life Vision, Purpose and Passions
June 20, 2020 Seasons Repatterning - Summer / Fire Element
May 03, 2020 World Peace Hologram - May 3 at 2:00pm Eastern
July 07, 2019 Aligned for Mercury Retrograde

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2024.  All rights reserved.