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PHD: Relationship Intentions Repatterning

  • February 12, 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • online video conferencing using zoom


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    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $35.00
  • Receive link to send in your information for repatterning, participate in the live event, and receive the PDF download for notes and contemplation cards after the event along with link for audio/video online and audio download.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $35.00
  • The PHD program is complimentary for the Premium Membership; Register for each topic to be included in the session and receive access details.

    Not a Member? Please visit and join. Then return to the event calendar on the home page.

    SPECIAL - INVITE A GUEST option to register a friend for $35.00

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Relationships Intention  Repatterning
Friday February 12th 2021 at 1:00PM Eastern 
[10:00am Pacific | 11:00am Mountain | 12:00p Central | 6:00pm London UK]

Our next PHD repatterning topic is Relationship Intention Repatterning.

Valentines ♥ Day is soon upon us  and I am very aware of how many people can have their unresolved relationship issues triggered by this occasion.  Maybe you are like the little red head girl from the Peanuts cartoon, waiting by the mailbox for that special valentine or more like Lucy exchanging  biting words with Charlie Brown. Whatever it is for you, the quality of our present relationship or the longing to have one if we are not in a relationship, gives us another reason for reflecting  on our patterns and clearing them up to create happiness within ourselves despite our relationship status. When we are coherent and resonating with want we want in a relationship that is healthy - we are more likely to attract the relationship we desire. 

Relationship Intention Repatterning Can Help! 

This is a wonderful repatterning for anyone either looking for a committed life partner, companion or wanting to improve a present relationship. For those without a partner setting intentions helps to create the field of attraction for your ideal partner. For those with a partner, it helps to clear the patterns of relating that block the full coherent expression of your relationship.

This repatterning is also based on the analogy of how electricity works - defined as keen contagious excitement.  Imagine your relationship wired for loving success! 

This repatterning will help to :

  • clear patterns of past relationship heartache and challenges that block or interfere with relationships in the present
  • clear the negative beliefs and attitudes we resonate with that unconsciously undermine our intentions for relationship
  • Create a magnetic field of attraction for our desired relationship by resonating with coherent relationship patterns and qualities
  • resonate with intentions that help us create our ideal relationship

Send yourself a valentine of self-love...

Join me for the next PHD Repatterning Friday February 12th at 1:00pm Eastern -  Relationship Intention Repatterning 

With light and love

Carolyn Winter

PS - Group sessions are always fun to do with a friend so you can support each others progress.  Check out my bring a friend option when you register. 

MEMBERS Press REGISTER [See gray column on the left] and provide your membership email address to obtain special pricing.

Your  registration includes the opportunity to:

  • send in your information for the session
  • download the post session custom notes and contemplation cards 
  • video recording access and audio mp3 download. 

PSS - Become a PREMIUM member and this event as well as the PHD Archive of past events are FREE!!!!  Go to JOIN 

Contact Carolyn Winter 
Phone: 416-763-6306


Copyright by Carolyn Winter 2000-2022.  All rights reserved.