The Energy Season of Fire Element
Quality #2 - Compassion

The quality of compassion is considered to be a primary principle of human flourishing. According to the organization "Charter of Compassion" compassionate people tend to...
- live longer
- are less depressed
- have less cognitive decline
- experience less cardio vascular disease, and
- have fewer medical visits among a long list of positive findings.
When we exercise compassion, we become less rigid, willing accept gray areas in life and consequently our judgments are less critical and more understanding. We become likelable because our very presence can bring a sense of calm and acceptance among a group of people.
We must first learn to exercise compassion for ourselves cultivating the art of naming and letting go of our regrets, as well as appreciating our daily accomplishments, learning and insights.
What qualities of COMPASSION do you resonate with? (and broadcast to others?)
Non Coherent Aspects - "I do not understand another's suffering.","My heart is closed." "What's in it for me?"
Coherent Aspects - "I bring compassion to all my relationships."; " I exercise compassionate judgement with awareness and caring intent."; I feel for others' suffering while maintaining my sense of self."; "I choose compassion over criticism."
How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of Compassion to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?
How will you use the energy of the Fire Element Season and the quality of Compassion to add to your positive life story where everything makes sense and you anticipate being at the beginning of something wonderful happening for you?
I have options to help! Use my (FREE) 5 Seasons repatterning series to boost your energy at any time... To boost your fire element energy for the quality of COMPASSION try the Summer Season Repatterning for the Fire element. Simply download the notes and use them to follow along with the video adding in your own answers. The hologram has anticipated you!
With light and love
Carolyn Winter
Holographic Coach